2018 NEWS – Japanoise Artist MYayuMIXX set to release 2018 album through EXILED VOICE

Today we got confirmation that one of our favorite Noise artists has accepted our offer to release a project through our new music imprint label EXILED VOICE recordings.
We are so excited to have the this gorgeous noise artist gracing our new label with her presence and we’re looking forward to where her journey through noise will take us.
If you haven’t heard MYayuMIXX yet or are new to what Japanoise is all about, I suggest you check out her current releases “歪みを愛します: A Growing Portfolio of Self Indulgence” through the NCCR label by following this link here.
If you’re still interested in Japanoise after listening to her musical abstracts we suggest hunting down her influences like Nick Endo, MERZBOW, Sunn O))), KK NULL. I personally as a teenager had a giant crush on Nic Endo, so I recommend listening to her art as well as checking out her other project…you know its nothing big kinda low key digital hardcore outfit called ATARI TEENAGE RIOT!! How can you not know ATR?!!…I mean seriously.
Anyway, super happy to have our EXILED VOICE label associated with this girl and her art.
We here at ESP can’t wait for 2018 to roll around.

Stay Punk and If you’re not punk become Punk and stay that way.

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